Chincha Web (English)

Linda Echevarría Blanco and her Linda Jewelry
An example of resistance and innovation by Ilaria De Nardi When you make handmade products, each hand is different and...

Youth hope to prevent violence against children and adolescents during the pandemic
Safe Children Project in Huaycán, is reaffirmed as a commitment that unites San Andrés parish pastoral agents in their voluntary...

“La Victoria and El Agustino: Alliances for a Circular Economy” project
The “La Victoria and El Agustino: Alliances for a Circular Economy” project, for the next 30 months, has the Solidarity Association...
Recognition “Peru for the Sustainable Development Goals” (Perú por los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible)
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Program, promoted by Perú Sostenible (previously Peru 2021), gives us the certificate that validates ASPEm...